Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cousin Bear



As you are all most probably unaware of my recent encounters and clashes with forest logic and other intellectual beings, i will fill you in.

The reason i did not update my blog yesterday was because i was scouting the forest in order to encounter my long lost traveling cousin who i dearly missed. This obviously took up most of my day, and when i finally (literally) ran into cousin bear, a rush of Ecstasy rushed through my body. When i finally stepped back into reality i analyzed the situation. The mix of happiness from my cured nostalgia as well as the possible concussion from the collision must have brought upon the sudden ecstatic experience.

However, the reality was that Cousin bear was here. Through a seemingly short nine hour discussion, i learned that cousin bear was Indeed very intelligent. He could read, write, draw and most importantly he had an idea of what was going on in foreign lands - not only the forest.

As his beady bear eyes raced towards my computer, an aura of exuberance seemed to shine over him like a chainsaw cutting through the entirety of a tree trunk. Despite the irony of the previous simile, we came to the conclusion that "storiestoldbybears" would be a familial blog.

So as we all welcome cousin bear to the blogging world, i will now share with you some of the original sketches cousin bear drew:

Obviously cousin bear has an idea of what the human mind percieves, and has an extremely mature outlook on the human concept of "imagination".

Farewell for now.


At November 19, 2008 at 9:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

... I know this is sudden... but... I'M YOUR LONG LOST TWIN BEAR SISTER!!!

At November 19, 2008 at 9:29 PM , Blogger wolfninjakpjoker said...

I'm sure you are, i have many siblings as my father was simply a bear......he had no conscience.

At November 19, 2008 at 10:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

theres a flash version of the first sketch :)


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