Salutations, once more.
While I hastily, and by hastily I mean "Yes i 'spose im gonna like, get round to that stuffs eventually", of tales featuring that porridge thief and eating habits across our humble forest, i wish to elaborate on another feature of ourselves which i felt, was required for everyone to understand.
Its about ourselves. But most importantly, our minds.
Now im like just any other highly intellectual bear. I feast on knowledge, fruits, vegetables, and a seemingly endless supply of fresh succulent meat. I have my own personal tastes, and habits. And i must do what needs to be done. Yet there are profound implications when questioning the mystery,
why is it our brains operate the way they do? is it subject to change? how was this method chosen? is it secretly a more superior, albeit hidden motive that is forcing our brains to never yield the answers?
The only thing left to do was to investigate. My best method was to halt my consciousness, yet still trace back data. And after a few possibly fatal experiments, and a few hilarious results from some, there was a distinct scientific conclusion.
All i had to do was sleep. Perchance, to dream?
And this was no easy task. Exhilarated from trying to, crack my brain open, and thus slurp its magnificence, of course merely in a manner of speaking mind you, i felt like a freshly woken hyena, who promptly fed ridiculous quantities of mind stimulants where the poor creature would laugh for days on end.
So immediately I had embarked on a mission to exhaust myself. And I did. More on that classic outing once we delve into who had stolen my porridge.
But my mind, whatever it was, was a mysterious place. And to answer that hidden motive question, a high amount of experience i found within my dream, was swiftly deleted from my memory. But a slight fragment remains. Before that thread of my true self disappeared, I quickly painted that one image i had, when i was within the corners of my own being.

It was done fairly quickly. But a simple, simple land, lost of color, and filled with only basic shapes.
Why, is this truly the place that runs the highly complex bear I know as myself?
Or is my brain deceiving me again...
I bid you good day, humble readers. May we someday attain hold of what we truly are..
you're very deep david
hi david
i liked reading that
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