Tuesday, December 23, 2008



Fellow Readers

I must take time to apologize for my disjointed blogging attempts. As a bear, i have certain needs - one such need is survival. Please, do not get me wrong, i am not one to fumble excuses out at any given point, but the reason i have not been blogging is that my forest has been demolished. You have read correctly...Demolished.

Cousin bear and Twin bear are now with me hitching a ride on (ironically) a now empty lumber truck. As the cool air rushes across my fur, tussling it like a well known American hero tussling a little freckly boy's hair, i think to myself...what next? Could this be the end of me and my family? Could this mean i would have to find my way to the nearest city and get a job working as a waiter in a local bistro?

Typing up my blog to pass the seemingly endless wait, i notice that the sun has just come out from behind a mountain. This serene act of nature, seems to lay a blanket of tranquility over me and my family as we ponder over our situation in silence. It seems illogical to be put at ease by this, but that is just what i felt. I was no longer troubled.

Could this be like the star which led the three kings to Jesus? Or the moon and sun that helped many civilizations flourish? As a bear, all i can simply say is "I don't know".

I apologize dearly for my lack of blogging and for the rather minimal blog today, but if i do not blog again, i wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

It may be true that Christianity is the "Religion of the West", however for anybody who celebrates another holiday in this season, or does not celebrate anything at all, my intent remains the same. May you have a safe, happy and relaxing festive season.

Hopefully, my family and I will reach a new home soon. Lets all keep our thoughts positive, because we never know what will happen.

I have drawn this sketch with twin bear as a way of remembering the place we once called home.

Goodbye and Farewell


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